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Video Application Information



How to create your video application link

Please upload your video to a file sharing website and include the link in your application email, along with the applicant’s details.

We regret that we no longer accept DVD applications.

Videos should be no longer than 20 minutes.

If you have any questions about any of the above please email us at


How to film your video application

Please ensure that your whole body is in the frame of the video and you are dancing in a clear and safe space. You can film your video application on a camera or a smartphone/tablet.

You do not need to have the video filmed in a studio or filmed by a professional.


Video Audition Requirements :

1. Barre work

Please position the camera in front of the applicant to show full height and breadth in pliés and ports de bras. Please position the camera halfway between front and side for all other sections of the barre to show full range of movements.

Left and right sides of all exercises must be shown unless otherwise stated.

Five minutes maximum:

  • Pliés and cambrés (right side only)

  • Battements tendus (left side only)

  • Adage (both sides)

  • Grands battements (left side only).

2. Centre practice

Five minutes maximum:

  • Adage must include grands poses and a tour lent/promenade in either à la seconde or arabesque

  • Pirouettes may be from 5th, 2nd, or 4th position, but must be done on the right and the left sides, en dehors and en dedans.

3. Allegro

Five minutes maximum:

  • One enchaînment including sautés, changement des pieds and échappés

  • One enchaînment of petit allegro

  • One enchaînment of grand allegro (including tours en l’air for male applicants).

4 Stretching

Please note that these stretches should not be bounced or forced.

  • Achilles (standing in parallel sideways to camera and bend knees with heels remaining on the floor)

  • Hamstrings (sitting on floor sideways to camera, legs stretched forward in parallel, reach forward to touch toes). Be mindful to keep your knees fully stretched.

  • Back (lying face down sideways to camera, place hands on floor next to your shoulders and slowly stretch arms so back is arched)

  • Splits (facing on diagonal splits with both right and left leg, box splits in second position).

5. Pointe work (Girls only)

Five minutes maximum:

  • Simple échappé relevé in 2nd and 4th, retiré relevé and relevé passé

  • Simple pirouettes from 4th position

  • Diagonale of piqué turns.


6. Variation / Solo 

Must be no more than 3 minutes in length and may be a classical variation or in any other genre 


Please note : This is merely a guide to help applicants create their video auditions.

You may perform the enchaînements exactly as they are written or use them as a basis for your own exercise. We are happy for you to adapt the enchaînement as needed, particularly the use of the arms and the head. You may also choose your own music.

Audtions: Service
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